But that was not the coolest thing. They also did a "Data Innovation Survey", which was super cool. The data is all open (find it in this gist), and I of course took it from Excel
create a graph MODEL out of it
and then load it into Neo4j using this load script. You will need to tweak the load csv file locations, but after that: just download Neo4j 2.2, fire up the Neo4j-shell, and paste all the commands into it. Should be a matter of half a minute to load the data.
Then we have the data in Neo4j, and we can start doing some queries. Now, I must admit that I am not a huge fun of working the data this way - as there are very few intricate relationships that we can use meaningfully. Nevertheless, here are a few queries:
//respondents and techniques with PhDs
MATCH (dl:DegreeLevel {name:"PhD"})--(r:Respondent)--(t:Technique)
return dl,r,t
That's easy:
Let's make it a bit more sophisticated: //respondents and techniques at level 5 with PhDs and their DegreeFields
MATCH (dl:DegreeLevel {name:"PhD"})--(r:Respondent)-[ht:HAS_TECHNIQUE {level:'5'}]--(t:Techniques),
return dl,r,t,df
limit 10
You can see how that would make the visualisation a bit more complicated.
And then finally, here is a first attempt at doing something a bit more "graphy". Let's see which "DegreeFields" are the most important in our graph. In other words - the most "Between" the other nodes of the graph. We do that with a query like this:
//betweenness centrality of the "DegreeFields"
MATCH p=allShortestPaths((r1:Respondent)-[*]-(r2:Respondent))
WHERE id(r1) < id(r2) and length(p) > 1
UNWIND nodes(p)[1..-1] as n
WITH n, count(*) as betweenness, labels(n) as labels
WHERE "DegreeField" in labels
RETURN n.name, betweenness
order by betweenness desc;
and then we see this result:
There's a lot of importance to Science/Mathematics, ICT and Engineering. Who would have thought?
You can of course apply these techniques much more generically to other problems, and that is mostly why I share it here. I hope others find it interesting, and as always...
... Feedback welcome!
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