As part of that journey, I have course also interviewed our "Fearless Leader" and "Chief Instigator", aka Emil Eifrem, a few times. We talked in summer of 2015, and then again around this time of the year in 2016 - and swore expensive oaths not to let another episode be too long after. And we failed miserably. So it felt right to do a longer, more elaborate episode now, which we actually published with video on Youtube too:
Of course the Podcast feed and Soundcloud have the same show episode too:
Here's the transcript of our conversation:
RVB: 00:00:54.475 Hello, everyone. My name is Rik, Rik Van Bruggen, from Neo4j and here I am recording another podcast episode. And I think the other person on the other side of this call is going to agree that it's been way too long.