Thursday, 28 September 2017

Podcast Interview with Tomasz Bratanic

This following podcast recording is an funny one. First of all because it took me and Tomasz like 3 retries and multiple scheduling rounds to get this thing done - and secondly because of who Tomasz is and what he is doing in our graph community. As you will read below, Tomasz is nog just a novice to Graphs - he's a novice to IT in general. A year ago, he was still filling his days with online poker - and now he is implementing and enhancing some of the coolest parts of Neo4j's APOC libraries. DEFINITELY worth a listen - it's an inspiring story.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Podcast Interview with Chuck Calio, IBM

Last year at GraphConnect San Francisco, we had this great announcement where we were having some of IBM's most senior leaders, Doug Balog, talk about what they were doing together with Neo4j to let the graph database perform like crazy on the Power8 hardware platform:

Doug came on stage and talked to Emil and the audience about all the hard work that was going on there, and now, just before GraphConnect New York - it felt like the right time to check in with friends at IBM to talk about their work with Neo4j and how that might affect the Graph community. So we got Chuck Calio to spend some time with us on the podcast - and here's our chat:

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Podcast Interview with Kevin Madden, Tom Sawyer Software

OMG has summer flown by. It has been a fantastic season over here in Europe, with lots of great family time and lovely trips to different destinations across Europe - I had a blast.

However, the downside of all this fun has been that I have really not had the time or inclination to publish more podcast episodes. In fact, I have to apologize to the guest on this episode that I am publishing today, the super-smart and fun Chief Software Engineer of Tom Sawyer Software, Kevin Madden - because I actually recorded this episode back in June already!!! Seems like an eternity ago - but at the end of June I was just really running short on time, did not find it possible to publish the interview then, and then... summer sunshine got in the way.

But hey - better late than never! So here's a great interview with Kevin - as you would expect, he has many great and interesting perspectives (pun intended!!!). Here's our chat: